Jeudi 10 mars 2011

it is better to hear that

it is better to hear that . “Xiaolan opened her large eyes, hungry eyes exposed. I will not help, in a blast knocked  cheap bag sale her head chestnut. “Son, you Haohen heart.” Xiaolan quickly ran away. I do not mind her that he paved the bed. He wanted to lie down a while. Hustle, someone knocked at the door. I went through the play to open the door. “Yes brother, ah, come take a Treat.” Iron Mu Yi Yan came in the ear, the backhand and shut the door, walked a few steps in the room: “The four brothers used to live.” I’m busy laughing: “than the home is also used to . “iron Mu heard words smiled and said:” As long as four brothers like it, just afford to live. “” Thank you brother, but still rush to mostly shortly fourth brother. “” In fact, there is a saying brother I do not know if I should say . “” Brother have anything to say please. “” four brothers defected to mostly friends and relatives, but in order to avoid misfortune, brother here, everything evil, enough to live for some time. not also be able to avoid misfortune. “” Brother and it is not Xiangman, younger brother went to most, is to see a man. “” Who. “” is the third brother, his last gold ghd to save me, seriously injured, kindness never made thanks, I hide Road over and over again something in his home. is the brother, how can you ignore. “

” Oh, yes. “iron Muslim ears attentively in silence. Flashing eyes of coldness. “My name is Ahan as most rode to inquire clear again no later than.” I listened and said: “or.” “The past few days, brother would accompany you walk around it.” Iron Mu ear smile Road. “But, brother arrangements.” I nodded and laughed. Mu ear a little iron to  cheap ugg sit, then got up and went out, and before leaving asked me to rest carefully, I took him to the door, this time really sleepy. Down on the bed are sleepy, came in a probe head. Is Xiaolan. “Come in, have something.” I said idly. “Xiaolan down no matter, I’m afraid Miss something.” “What’re you talking about,” I sit up road. “Today the eyes of Xiaolan son from the iron only see the word affection.” “Impossible,” I emphatically shook his head. “Miss Like father. Pro Court today in Phoenix, the lady holding the iron son crying mess. That iron can be happy where it son.” “Not at all.” I’m still shaking his head. “That son of hard iron lady holding the waist, mouth close to the lady’s face. Do what is not.” “Do not say that again.” I hand over his ears, was confused. “Miss, he will be seen through your Nver Shen. When to shut the Fanzao the chaos.” “Then how do you say?” I started to calm down and look at Xiaolan Road. “Today, there are two paths. Miss son if like iron, they stay with him in pairs. If focussed on Huangfu son. Then this time do not go now, when.” “Well said little girl “I jumped Road, really awoken green ghd him. Just want to for a while, my heart hesitated again. To tell the truth, brother of me very well. So go, not that sorry for him. Xiao-Lan in  ugg bailey button triplet boots the next reminder: “The young lady, early decision.” I shook my head, “you make me think again. Not at all anxious in a moment.”
Par nikeonsa - 0 commentaire(s)le 10 mars 2011

went to the garrison bureaucratic

went to the garrison bureaucratic government. Yamen, the Xiaolan is to pack a bag, which fell out of a pink shirt. “Miss.” cheap sunglass online Xiaolan holding the clothes in his arms, burst into tears. “Xiaolan, like I thought a freak out.” A sweet voice laughs. “Miss, you are scared to death Xiao Lan had.” Xiaolan turned the sound flew at my arms, unable to cry hum. I patted her back, comfort for a while, so Xiaolan crying ceased, and I urgently asked: “Huangfu son? I heard Lin Bobo said he seriously injured and has been healed. A few days ago that somehow someone picked up him. “listened to me. Xiaolan tears and lovemaking to fall. “Do not cry, I’m so worry about it.” I am anxious Road. “That day, the messenger of the young lady stayed with us to the place. Huangfu nike online see only son collapsed to the ground. Miss was missing. We are anxious, the two bad guys come back. Met with officers and men go back run, stopping the young to catch up to them and persuade them to give up evil from the good, the two do not listen to the wicked, also killed the juvenile. Then the two soldiers were killed the wicked. “” ah, how could this. but I harm him. “I can not help Diezu Road. “Miss, said that dying young lady will not forget his teachings, he said he next life, who do a good job.” Hearing this, my heart still can not get thought about Huangfu son.

He asked: “how about that third brother?” “Huang Fu-son woke up, it not anxious, the doctor came, and also refused to rule, only to find you cried, and said that I do not know you sell the two wicked where to go. We advised him that he would not listen. until I say you do not heal wounds, it will not do anything to find lady. the other party before they agree to treatment. “” That was it. “I am anxious Road. “Later, cure a few days, although a lot better, but action is still inconvenient. Then, suddenly someone said, the accident in his home, his anxious mind, hesitated for a long time, and said what Xiaoyi be forced, only live four brothers of the. This reluctance to leave. Before leaving, also said one of the things at home. they come in Hangzhou, be sure blue ghd to find you. “” Well, “hear-San injury uneventfully, I finally loose of relief. But this time only themselves to most of the. My name is Xiao Lan to put on man’s clothes out. Hosta jumped the branch, then pick up the package, go out to Lin Bobo leave. “Miss, let’s go.” I thought away, and Xiao Lan: “The first went to nike sale Changzhou.” Hurry coach, could not help think of Lee Dong brother know that he should be good the injury, I do not know may catch up with us. Starting from Hangzhou, the densely populated gradually, and the roads can live in the inn. Li Cuihua three times without success to start with, it should be somewhat restrained. So I thought, was secretly on her guard.
Par nikeonsa - 0 commentaire(s)le 10 mars 2011

clear again no later than.

clear again no later than.” I listened and said: “or.” “The past few days, brother would accompany you walk around it.”cheap sunglass Iron Mu ear smile Road. “But, brother arrangements.” I nodded and laughed. Mu ear a little iron to sit, then got up and went out, and before leaving asked me to rest carefully, I took him to the door, this time really sleepy. Down on the bed are sleepy, came in a probe head. Is Xiaolan. “Come in, have something.” I said idly. “Xiaolan down no matter, I’m afraid Miss something.” “What’re you talking about,” I sit up road. “Today the eyes of Xiaolan son from the iron only see the word affection.” “Impossible,” I emphatically shook his head. “Miss Like father. Pro Court today in Phoenix, the lady holding the iron son crying mess. That iron can be happy where it son.” “Not at all.” I’m still shaking his head. “That son of hard iron lady holding the waist, mouth close to the lady’s face. Do what is not.” “Do not say that again.” I hand over his ears, was confused. “Miss, he will be seen through your Nver Shen. When to shut the Fanzao the chaos.” “Then how do you say?” I started to calm down and look at Xiaolan Road. “Today, there are two paths. Miss son if like iron, they stay with him in pairs. If focussed on Huangfu son. Then this time do not go now, when.” “Well said little girl “I jumped Road, really awoken green fashion sunglass ghd him. Just want to for a while, my heart hesitated again. To tell the truth, brother of me very well. So go, not that sorry for him. Xiao-Lan in the next reminder: “The young lady, early decision.” I shook my head, “you make me think again. Not at all anxious in a moment.”

Xiaolan helplessly sighed quietly retired. The second day of straight sleep Rishangsangan them, I have it, no way, these days it is in nine Wang Yefu did not sleep well. Xiaolan wanted to call me several times, have been stopped iron Muslim ears. Xiaolan Mu ear called the iron into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Four brothers will be anxious to walk to his room. Gently shut the door, moving a chair, sat the bed and looked at sleeping people. Dreamer long eyelashes, his face flushed, two bright red lips dripping. Nose breathing issued uniform, which was a sound sleep. Mu ears iron hand lightly swept hair to her forehead. Long time to stare, feel sighed. “Fourth brother, you are finally in my side.” Looking back the past few days, first riding a horse, hurried back to Hangzhou, but that Meng Lijun has been kidnapped, dead or alive, suddenly over and over again to report his men, Meng Lijun was kidnappers sold. Mind immediately thought of a brothel, anxious Jiyu spurting. Mobilize all the brothel cheap sunglass  owners have turned to Hangzhou, again, still no trace of beauty. Is urgent, the Ahan to report, Meng Lijun, Changzhou has set off to go. This follow their footsteps have been followed up. Lijun is a joy to see him then, threw herself into his arms crying, obviously some of his feelings.
Par nikeonsa - 1 commentaire(s)le 10 mars 2011

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