Standing Committee before

Standing Committee before the bird has been honest, and his blessing through the air, Chai Shaoji adjustment, golf sale may have been unable to avoid. Although the secretary of the office failed to reach agreement at the meeting, Ding Zhou Yu is still on the Standing Committee to discuss the decision. When informed of this situation, it is a bird Fu Cheng helpless tone, but also a sense of anger mixed with a little bit. Ding Yu Zhou, it is really too high. In the Magnolia city for years, to serve as provincial party secretary, deputy secretary of the statue, but also the Department of Jin Xiu real go-getters one of the most powerful, Ding Zhou Yu really had not tolerate any challenge to the authority of their own. Knowing that this time adjustment Chaishao Ji, Liu Jun will thoroughly angered, this alliance with the Cuifu Cheng, Ding Zhou Yu remains golf sale blog unchanged. Or, in his view, even if the bird Fu Cheng Liu Jun and alliances, not when the event. An extremely weak mayor, a new three-year-old grievances Municipal Committee, Municipal nominal leader, not the slightest foundation in the Magnolia City. So that two people, even if the alliance of the standing of the pattern, how much change can play a role? Magnolia Municipal Standing Committee, he is still dominated by the small jade boat. Authoritative, the authority will not be because of the arrival of Liu Chun change! Ding Zhou Yu Chai Shaoji to adjust the resolution, promoted Zhong Yongming. Liu Jun of checks and balances, does not make it grow in mbt moto high-tech zones in the river, river area will be fully included in this bird Fu Cheng, Fu-Ding Yu Zhou may also want to reach only one purpose, it may not be the biggest goal. Jin said to show real well, perhaps just another purpose of the small jade boat. This desperate act recklessly, Ding Yu Zhou want to reach the main purpose, but also in "eye for an eye."

End of last year’s contest, was expelled from office no later than solid, Changfeng’s management was completely "’clean" in one fell swoop in the river district Liu Jun establish a high prestige. Correspondingly, the authority is subject Ting Yu Zhou a certain weakening of the three deputy secretary, clearly shows the opposition to his views! And Ding Yu Zhou, and behind the big boss wants to see. Provoke He Yanan and the local management team the struggle mbt karani between, it is not reached, on the contrary, the late Ann become very ambiguous attitude to the peak, late, Department of cadres, looks like they have already started with some light, invisible, but it is real able to detect it in the cracks. Ding Zhou Yu is angry! Top leaders who made a long time, is this the most difficult to tolerate from subordinates, and blatant "provocation." Moreover, the small boat is so powerful Jade number one. No one can comeback in the Magnolia City! Or whether it is bird Fu Cheng Liu Jun, do not have this possibility! And bird call when Cheng Fu, Liu Jun is very calm, relaxed and even send a bit of laughter. Fu Cheng has made it more depressing crop. The young man, in the end in mind? "Bird mayor, I know, thank you!" Said Liu Jun is just so a light to hang up the phone. Then he gave orders to the letter pregnant standby, Zhifu municipal compound. Across telephone lines, bird Fu Cheng Liu Jun bearing on the failure to feel the change, but it is clearly in the mbt shoes  pregnant sense of the letter. Liu Shuji sitting in the back of the Audi vehicles, from the moment the car. On Jin Min lips, I heard no throat. Felt mbt ema a strong faith in the arms of war intended to spread out in the car.
Par nikeonsa le vendredi 06 mai 2011


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